Tuesday, January 24, 2017

This Weeks Storm

Another week, another storm! Last week we had some warm days with temperatures in the 40s. And as the week drew to a close we were hearing about the major storm headed our way. Last night when we took our last walk, it was sleeting - about a half inch was on the ground that was like little pebbles. No slipping or ice skating but I did walk carefully. The wind was blowing but not howling. This morning we awoke to snow on top of the ice with a ground cover of a bit over an inch. The day was overcast but the trees were quite lovely. 

This evergreen is on the edge of our property by the driveway. 

And this tree is to the right of the one above

I've always liked this tree - with the branches that grow long and look so pretty. The dormer window and the triple window are where I look out in my office. It gives me a good view of the street. Honey's favorite spot is looking out that triple window. She is just the right height to stand and look out at everything that is going on. And, anyone driving up the driveway is greater with a lot of barking.

This evergreen is located at the far back of our property. The snow was weighing down the branches.

Later, when I took Honey out for another walk I noticed on the other side of the house the tall evergreens that shield us from our neighbor's back yard were icy and bending down. And the rhododendron next to the evergreens was also covered with a heavy icy snow. So I put Honey in the house, got a broom and gently hit the them to knock off as much snow/ice as I could. They sprang up once the weight was off them. I was pelted with snow. I'm so glad I was the they were in trouble - if left alone I'm sure some of the branches would have snapped.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

An Icy Morning

The weather has been bouncing all around. The past few days were very cold. The good news was it had warmed up enough to melt the snow we had before it went down to the single digits. And we were expecting another warm up! 

Last night it was windy. When Honey and I went out around 9 PM for her "final final", the wind was blowing. We walk back to the tree area in the corner of the property the branches were creaking and it was cold. We were both glad to get in. This morning, we took our first of many walks around 5 AM. So, out we went this morning at 5..... and the first step out was a shocker....no traction...slippery and very silent out there. ICE!!  OK, so I slipped my way over to the stairs from the deck and hung on while Honey did her thing... And the stillness and silence was awesome. Back in and, as we have been doing for a while, back to bed. And when I did get up and about it was around 7:30. We went down stairs to take another walk and the outside sparkled from the ice. The local news had talked about a major pile-up with tractor trailers jackknifed. (don't believe any major injuries). There was no way I was going to walk/skate out there for Honey's walk so I grabbed the clothesline we had prepared with a clip on the end for Honey's collar, hooked her up, took a few careful steps to the stairs, threaded the rope through the banister and hung on while Honey had a larger area to use and I could be sure I would remain upright. Again it was silent outside and it appeared that it was raining - but the sun was out. And the sun was melting the ice on the trees and house and that was the "rain".  A bit later the township truck came by plowing the road (removing some of the ice) and putting cinders on the road. Schools are closed in many districts. It's now almost 10 AM and we are back to normal. The street looks dry, the trees are no longer dripping and the air now carries the feeling of warmth. We should get into the 40s today and with the sun out that is a definite possibility!  

Another Year Ends

Another year draws to a close. While the end of every year is often a time for reflection, this year I'm dealing with two events - an anniversary and a birthday!

B and I were married way back in 1966 - June 4th to be exact. It's hard to believe that we have been married that long!  And then, just the other day, I had my 70th birthday! HOW CAN THAT BE????

We are enjoying retirement and consider ourselves fortunate to have good health. 

Several days ago, while looking out the office window, a cardinal came to visit. 

He/she fluttered around in the bush and on the ground. Such a lovely site.  Happy New Year!

About Me

After working for 40 years in education, I retired and with my husband moved to the "wilds" of PA. This blog is thoughts and pictures of what we are doing.