Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Uploading pictures from my new iPhone

Technology is crazy, and at times confusing!

I want to be able to upload pictures from my phone to Blogger. I find that I usually have my phone when I see something I want to capture. The camera does not stay with me - the phone does. So it appears that using Google pictures is the answer - but I'm not sure. So, I'll play around with this a bit.

Last week we had SNOW. And so I took some pictures. And when I clicked on the photo icon and chose "from phone" All the pictures on my phone were available. I chose and they appeared below! Cool!

Honey and I were out and about - she uses this back area at the edge of our property. She is always on the leash

And the deck off the breakfast area is a great place for her to explore

This tree, which can be seen from the front window, is lovely both in summer with its beautiful leaves and in winter with a mantle of snow

And my "here is how much snow we got" measure - the table on the back deck.

So I feel accomplished that I figured this out - not hard! I'm not sure the limit on how many pictures before there is a charge. I really don't want to use Google as a storage place. 

And as for the snow.......it's almost all melted. The warm up started Sunday and yesterday the back yard was covered in one big puddle with ice on the ground. This made walking rather hazardous and while Honey hated the water, I felt that I was skating! This morning the rain and continuing warm weather melted most of the ground ice and walking is easier for both of us and the puddles are now dissipating into the ground.

If you are reading this post and have my email, please let me know what you think! And remember, you can sign up (up at the top of the post) to receive posts automatically (but not immediately) when ever I post. I'm really going to attempt to post much more often.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

New Year - New Goal

One of my goals this new year is to use the technology that I have! The current phones, computers, and tablets have changed and integrated with each other to be virtually seamless in their use. And while I do consider myself knowledgable, I must admit I’ve not kept up. 

We currently live in an Apple world! Yea, Apple!  I had Apple computers back in the day - and found them easy to use. Sure there was a learning curve, but no DOS to use - just pictures (icons). As my job changed from working with students and teachers to the business end of the district, the need to switch from Mac to PC ruled the day. So, a PC user I became.  But when I retired, and we moved up to the Lake, the idea of switching back to Apple stuff was calling. And the advancing technology with iPads and iPhones as well as computers - well, the lure of seamless movement from one platform to another was what did it. So now I have an iMac that is over 5 years old, an MacBook that is 2, an iPad that is 4 years old and an iPhone that is very new! The demands of a job require you to use all these products seamlessly and constantly. However, that urgent need learn to use everything isn’t as pressing. So I tend to use the easies route. I use the iMac much more than the laptop because I don’t like the track pad rather than a mouse. And I do a lot on the iPad but don’t use the phone much. So, my goal is to better use my technology and to better integrate it’s use. Kinda a fun goal!

And the New Year started off with more cold weather! While we had warm temperatures last week that melted all the snow and created big puddles in the back that Honey hated, it’s back to cold with this morning’s temperature 7.And we did get snow!  It started Tuesday and became heavier overnight and we awoke to about 5 inches. So we are again going to snow blow the driveway. The good news is warm temperatures are expected by the weekend so what we don’t blow will melt rather than freeze. I’ve been taking pictures and hope to post them soon.

About Me

After working for 40 years in education, I retired and with my husband moved to the "wilds" of PA. This blog is thoughts and pictures of what we are doing.