These are tiny little cucumbers.. so cute!!! There are LOTS of them. The zucchini, on the other hand, are not doing well. I moved them to get more sun. Today, however, there was not much sun... so don't know if that will help!
The tomatoes are doing well... lots of little tomatoes. This is a plant that produces lots of little tomatoes... as you can see, it is doing it's thing.
more tomatoes... these should be larger and I think they will be yellow
And finally, the yellow beans. The green beans are doing well and now the yellow beans are "coming in". Another day or two and we will be eating yellow beans.
We are really enjoying our garden.. I check the plants at least once a day. I swear, you can see some of them grow! I'm already thinking about next year and what to add or not do. Radishes - will not be planting them next year. I do think I'll try several types of basil. I'm growing 2 this year. Planted seeds for a bush basil that's interesting. I'll have to check out other options next year.
The weather is still somewhat cool. It was overcast most of the day and felt muggy but not bad as it was only in the 70's. We are expecting warmer weather tomorrow.