Friday, June 26, 2009

Rain Again!

It was a strange day. May and the first two weeks of June were so soggy they put a whole new meaning to the term “moldy oldies” (yea, we are “old”). So, when we got some nice weather with sun last week it was great. So great, we got the boat in the water. When we got up this morning it was muggy and overcast. This was somewhat reminiscent of our days in South Jersey. I went into the library in the morning and when I drove home it was down right hot… upper 70’s 80’s with lots of humidity. After lunch we did some stuff around the house and I also did Animal Crossing on the Wii. Then we went out to run an errand around 3:30 and decided to go to Wal-Mart for milk and such. And as we drove there were these REALLY DARK CLOUDS out there. Went in Wal-Mart and ended up, as usual, finding more things than what I had on my list. As we went to the check out area the rains hit. Now Wal-Mart is a big store and it has that high ceiling and boy, could you hear the rain. As we headed to the door there was a back up of people who didn’t want to venture out into that downpour with the lightning, thunder, and HEAVY RAIN. So we all waited. And after about 10 minutes it became apparent the rain was not going to stop. But, it did lessen in intensity. I got a bag to put my purse in… well, it’s not waterproof and not only did I just purchase it but it cost more than $20. So, out we finally went to the car. After negotiating the parking lot, we hit the road and the rain was not as heavy. Debris covered the road… leaves, branches and such. We had heavy wind as well as torrential rain. At one point we slowed to a crawl as there was quite a flood on the road. We were in the Bug… and made it fine. As we passed through Hawley there was a tent that had been in a store’s front lawn. It was now across the road and was crumpled. Some stores were without electricity and others had their lights on. Also, we started to notice white stuff… yea, it was hail. And as we looked out you could see steam coming from the road due to the drastic temperature drop… it created a fog over the road and the lake. As we headed up the road that follows the lake, we could see debris from the storm. Our house and property was fine. There was hail still visible on the deck and in the plants. I’ve posted pictures of the hail. All in all it was a unique experience. The temperatures dropped from 80’s this afternoon to 56. WOW. While we lost power (everything that could was flashing when we got home) we had electricity when we drove in. Summer at the Lake….

Here is a picture of one of the planters toward the front door. Hail hit the area!

And on the other side of the deck it really showed up in the parsley. The tomatoes and such did not get hurt by the hail. Just cold :)

Monday, June 15, 2009

Summer at the Lake

There was a car show at the local IGA yesterday and we went as B enjoys cars and I wanted to take some pictures. It was a lovely day and there were so many cars! I tried taking various kinds of pictures and really did like this one.

Today, when we got back from breakfast, this gentleman was sitting to the side of the driveway. His lady friend was back on the septic hill grazing. I couldn't get close to her. But this guy was very laid back. I started shooting from the porch steps, by the time I got by the cars parked on the side he was still just looking at me.
This picture has been cropped but I was very close to him.

Here I'm a bit further away (took this before the one above) and I didn't crop it.

The overnight rain has made the day clear and the temperatures right now are in the 60's. The sun is out - a really lovely day so far. And a nice change from all the rain.
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Friday, June 12, 2009

Rain and Thunder

We have been having rain just about every day this past week. Heavy rain with thunder - a deluge of water!! As well as soggy flower and veggies, the lake and streams are full. Our "little" stream out to the side has been full, moving fast and very noisy! The top picture is that stream as seen from our patio. As you can see, it's quite wide and moving fast. It looks a lot like a picture I posted in May. Yea, we have been having a lot of rain .... hummm 30 days and 30 nights???

The stream crosses under the road that goes by our street and comes out on the other side via a large pipe. I'm standing on the road (the side, I'm not that stupid) shooting toward the lake.
We did get a bit of sun this afternoon. But now it's again overcast and more rain is in the forecast. We really feel soggy.... Makes the expression "moldy oldie" take on new meaning!
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About Me

After working for 40 years in education, I retired and with my husband moved to the "wilds" of PA. This blog is thoughts and pictures of what we are doing.