Monday, March 29, 2010

A Robin Vsits

We were visited by a robin the other day, and we think he/she is building a nest. B first noticed it when the robin was attacking the VW which was parked in the driveway. He called me over and I went to get the Flip camcorder. The robin was quite percistent in going after the VW. Since it was sunny, we thought maybe it saw the reflection in the door and thought it was another bird.

But the next day it was flying up against the window - the one we had been looking out of. Right across from where the VW had been and right over some bushes. So now we wonder if the bird was trying to protect it's nest because we have now seen the bird dive into the bushes. We closed the curtains and we haven't heard it attack the window again.

So we will keep an eye out for the bird and maybe the baby birds. The video of it attacking the VW is below... kinda cute.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring has come to the lake

This weekend, when spring officially arrived, the weather was just lovely! Temperatures reached the low 70s and most of the snow on the ground has melted.
The lake is another story. While it clearly has been melting it still appeared to be covered with ice. The open water by the dam has increased in size and the lake turned dark as it melted.
Today when we went to pick up the mail I took the following pictures with the iPhone.You can see how the ice is cracking and breaking up.
Spring really is here!! YEA!!

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About Me

After working for 40 years in education, I retired and with my husband moved to the "wilds" of PA. This blog is thoughts and pictures of what we are doing.