Day 4 of puppy and day 4 home. B went to Wal-Mart without me!! YIKES... I was puppy sitter and he went with a rather short list. I needed things such as English muffins and eggs because we are now eating breakfast at home (another story) And off he went and Honey and I were home. He left before noon so I fed her around noon and then we went out and about. When B returned he was loaded with stuff... a second pillow type bed which we both agreed she needed and some doggie type treats. And a toy or two. She is so cute and we are enjoying her so much.
We had a ham for dinner last night and then scrambled eggs with ham for breakfast. Yes, I'm cooking breakfast. Well, I'm doing things that sound different or that I haven't made for a while. And I'm sure we will be able to go back to breakfast out somewhere along the line. But I've got a breakfast cookbook and I'm reading that for ideas.
Tomorrow I get to go out in the morning to the library while B had doggie sitting duties. Life is good!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Here is Miss Honey!
Yesterday we got our new little puppy, Honey. We had visited here several times and had purchased her all sorts of things including a rather large crate her to grow into. Some chewy toys and treats. We picked her up around 10 and she sat on my lap and shook as we drove home. Well, I'd be scared too as she had been taken from her mom and litter mates and gone of in this big car. We put a collar on her in the car and added the leash as we got home so she could do her stuff before she came in. Well, even tho she did, after she got in the house she had an accident. Nerves. So out again and more "good girl" when she did it outside and then B watched her as I cleaned up everything. The rug spot remover worked well. We then had her out every 2 hours or so. She didn't drink much of her water and we didn't feed her too much as we were concerned she might throw it up. She went in her crate with no problem. We had the door open and a towel on the bottom tray. She seemed to enjoy it - close and safe.
We put the crate in the foyer so she could hear us and we could easily check on her. If you look you can see the partition that can be moved back as she grows bigger.
She was finding new spots to sleep. Here she is under the table that is just off they foyer.
And later on she went under the dining room table.
She had no trouble going into the crate at night and I took her out several time. She did her thing and then back into the crate which I then fastened closed.
Today she is much more relaxed. She is eating fine and enjoying her walks outside. She does bite but we just redirect her to one of her toys. She keeps eating Bs shoe laces and he is going to have to see if he has something with no laces. She is playing with more of her toys and when I was up in the loft earlier she was looking all over for me. While she does the steps outside, she has not gone up and down our inside steps..yet.
One of her toys that she was hauling around today. It's so big she has to drag it. right now she is at my feet while I type in the breakfast area.
So sweet - she is a cute dog!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Thanksgiving Turkey???
Our turkey is in the oven. I was at the window and looked out to see a flock... I mean a LARGE flock of turkey visiting us. There were several on the wall where B feeds the chippies (and now the turkeys) and quite a large number to the left on the septic mound (the only clear space around and where many acorns have fallen). Naturally I had a small camera that did not take detailed pictures. I was shooting through the window and had trouble holding my arms steady. That having been said, I'm still posting a few pictures. And, I'll keep my better camera upstairs with a memory card in it all ready to go. Guess these turkeys knew it was safe since I was already cooking our meal!
Thanksgiving Snow
We are having snow flurries. Seems appropriate as today is Thanksgiving which, in my opinion, is the start of winter. Yes, I know it officially starts on December 21 but some how Thanksgiving is the real start. Perhaps it's because in days long ago, one did not see Christmas decorations nor Santa BEFORE Thanksgiving. And Black Friday was the start of the shopping season. And the shopping for Christmas season started winter. Now we have been seeing decorations since before Halloween and there are every day specials to rival Black Friday. Go Figure!!
We are enjoying the snow - not sure if you can see it on the two pictures I just took. It's rather heavy but with temperatures in the upper 30s it probably won't amount to much (famous last words).
The turkey will go in the oven around 1:00. I made the pecan pie yesterday and the pumpkin pie this morning. The turkey will be un-stuffed and the stuffing made as a side in a nice serving dish (not stove top!) along with green bean casserole and I'm not sure what else. Cheese savories for snacks while we wait for the turkey to rest and I make the gravy.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Her Name is Honey
Her name is Honey and we went to visit her again.
We have been debating this name...we had a Honey before and when she passed away we put off getting another dog. Well, time has moved on and we are now ready. But would naming the new dog Honey be good? I didn't want to but every time I talked to her in my mind, I was calling her Honey (well, she looks like our other dog who was also a yellow lab). So, Honey it is.
We have been debating this name...we had a Honey before and when she passed away we put off getting another dog. Well, time has moved on and we are now ready. But would naming the new dog Honey be good? I didn't want to but every time I talked to her in my mind, I was calling her Honey (well, she looks like our other dog who was also a yellow lab). So, Honey it is.
The breeder is about 15 miles from here. So visiting is not difficult. They have her mom and another dog on site. The dad was from down south and when we saw pictures he was almost white. Honey is one of two that are a very light/white color. Here are several of the puppies playing with the male dog. The dogs are in the garage which has heat. They are in a rather large cage for the time they are not being watched. They seem to understand the concept of going outside to potty. They are all cute and their little teeth are SO sharp! They also all love to bite on shoe laces.
More playing and some are busy with mom. We bring Honey home soon. Can't wait!!!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Meet Miss Pink!
We are going to adopt a puppy! Now those of you who have known us for many years will remember we had a dog. However, we had put off getting another for various reasons. And have talked about getting one but the moment was never right. About a month ago we stopped for breakfast at a diner in Hamlin and there on the door was a sign for puppies with 6 little tiny yellow labs who at the time were only 2 weeks old. When we left we copied the phone number down. After talking and thinking we called and went for a visit and gave them a deposit. We have visited twice to see the puppies. I have also read quite a few books (surprise) and we have been shopping for doggie things. Today we visited to make a decision. We had narrowed the choice down to two puppies and today I took two pieces of ribbon - pink and yellow - to tie around their necks so we could observe the two we were favoring. And after holding and playing with them all, we decided on the puppy with the pink ribbon as shown below. They were all cute and they all were playful and doing all those good things puppies do. However this one was the lightest in color and also was a bit smaller. She just seemed to be THE ONE. They need another two weeks with their mom before they can go home so we will bring her home around Thanksgiving. But here is an early peek. We are quite excited!!! Now we have to decide on a name... hummmmm

She is on the left - you can see just a bit of pink ribbon They were outside for a bit and appear to understand that you do potty outside. So they were all tired out and taking a nap.
She is on the left - you can see just a bit of pink ribbon They were outside for a bit and appear to understand that you do potty outside. So they were all tired out and taking a nap.
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About Me
- Lynn
- After working for 40 years in education, I retired and with my husband moved to the "wilds" of PA. This blog is thoughts and pictures of what we are doing.