Thursday, April 28, 2011

Another round of thunder storms this morning with VERY heavy rain!! We went out around 11 AM and found storm damage light but lots of water flowing down and across roads. Our stream by the house is full and noisy. The rain was so heavy you could just about see to the road. I'd say an inch or so fell in 2 hours.

We also found out Honey is not "fond" of lightning and thunder but will tollerate it!

Here are 2 pictures of Honey taken this week...

The orange ball you can see on the floor behind her gets filled with treats. She rolls it around with her nose and the treats fall for Honey, quiet for us :)

This is down stairs in what I call my library. She is behind me as I sit at my computer looking out over the lower patio. She looks like she was asleep. My, she is getting big - 66 pounds.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Spring Has Sprung

The daffodils are in bloom... The birds are back and I saw a robin today. Last night we had heavy rain - news reports indicate we got about 3 inches. It rained!!! Honey stood on the porch and turned around and went back in. We tried to time her walks to lulls in the down pours. Our little stream is not so little and has actually risen a bit as the afternoon went on. The sun peeks out and then there is a shower. But at least it isn't snow and for that we are thankful!!

Sunday, April 03, 2011

A busy day

What a lovely day...warmish temperatures right now at 56 and lovely clouds in a blue sky. Breakfast was good since we went out. Then we headed out to pick up my lap top that crashed last week. I was getting warnings that there were hard drive problems...and I do back up my computers and backed this one up every day. And it died and so I took it back to Best Buy. And picked it up today with a new hard drive that was covered under warranty. The good news, I backed up and got the drive replaced...the bad news... I'm going to have to reload programs and then files. But that's workable.

While we were in the area, we stopped at Sam's for a few things and then on to Mane's, a store in Scranton right on the border of Scranton and Taylor. The had great prices for produce and we also got a rib roast. Actually, we got a rather large one and had them cut it for us. So, one half is in the oven and the other has been put in the freezer. The roast in the oven is on convection roast and was covered with a mixture of olive oil, minced garlic, salt and pepper and thyme. It's now smelling great! With that we will have asparagus and garlic mashed potatoes. Good food (hopefully)

It was a nice day. Tomorrow we should get rain but at least it isn't snow. Happy April1

About Me

After working for 40 years in education, I retired and with my husband moved to the "wilds" of PA. This blog is thoughts and pictures of what we are doing.