Friday, August 14, 2009


The tomatoes are finally ripening. It's been cool and too wet. This is the second year of bad tomatoes. Hope I remember next year. I just shredded some receipts and saw all the money I spent on tomato plants and herbs. The herbs are doing fine... of course I've planted two batches of basil as the first plants got water logged. But the tomatoes are, for the most part, straggly and not doing well.

The hanging tomatoes are doing better. Since they are under the eves they have to be watered even when it rains. While that is a pain, at least they are not over watered as I tend to see them drooping and then water. This is the one to the right of the front. The one on the left was really drooping so I'm not going to post that picture. There are buds and small tomatoes so these two plants are the "best" of the bunch. Next year I'll just stick to herbs. There is a farmer's market in town and purchasing fruit and veggies all summer will probably just equal what I spent on the plants that aren't doing anything. Now, I just need to remember that - hope I'll come back to review my pictures. I must say, for the veggies I do miss Jersey and my drive to and from work past the farm stands.
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About Me

After working for 40 years in education, I retired and with my husband moved to the "wilds" of PA. This blog is thoughts and pictures of what we are doing.