Monday, October 01, 2012

Happy Birthday Honey!!!

Today was Honey's birthday - she is 2 years old. It is amazing how much she has grown both in size and behavior. There was a time we were not sure we would make it - such a little stinker. She ate several Cable remote controls during the phase of eating electronics. Pillows, toilet paper, shoes, pens, magazines - so much was eaten, chewed and played with. I'm just starting to leave a pillow on the bed and we still move TV clickers and phones when we leave the house. She still will grab a sweater left on the chair or a sock if left on the floor. We can now leave shoes on the floor when we sit in the living room and while she checks them out, she doesn't eat them. She still barks way too much - at many things that move outside the window. I often get an order from Amazon delivered by UPS. Honey hears the truck before it turns into our road and is up on the chair barking. She is ecstatic when the UPS guy pulls into the driveway. Several neighbors wave as they pass as you can see Honey in the window on one of the two chairs. She keeps us active as we take her for walks around the property. Sometimes for a potty break and other times just for a walk about. She gives great kisses and often sleeps in Bs lap on beside me on the sofa. She makes funny noises when she sleeps and at times you can tell she is having a nice dream. She is good at night and very rarely needs to go out unless she is sick. She loves raw carrots, special treats, eating and just being our girl. Happy Birthday, Honey!!

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About Me

After working for 40 years in education, I retired and with my husband moved to the "wilds" of PA. This blog is thoughts and pictures of what we are doing.