Saturday, February 15, 2014


We just came in from attempting to get the snow off of the SUV so we can go get the mail. It's been three days since we have been out. We woke up to snow falling again and thus far have about 2 inches. We should get several more before it's all over.

The driveway was cleared yesterday. It was really interesting as they came with a a front end plow with a snow throw thing on the back. They shot the snow off the driveway and up into the hill to the woods. Cleared the drive but gave us lots of snow on the slope. 

He backed down the driveway and stopped to change the snow thrower from one side to the other

You can see the plow in the front - he was backing down the driveway

And then went foreword lowering the plow.

Worked great but gave us very large piles of snow on the side. However, we are NOT complaining as the driveway was clear and we planned to get the mail today.
Honey is a bit bewildered at the large pile at the side and end of the driveway.

We just came back in and we were able to clear off the SUV - but still need to dig out mound of snow in front of it. However, we do believe we will be able to  go get the mail this afternoon and while we are there, drop off some trash. (mail and trash are less than a mile away)  And since we did think ahead, we have plenty of food and such so we can just hunker down and watch the Olympics. 
It's not a bad thing to be stuck in the house as long as you are warm and have food.
Damn that groundhog!!!

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About Me

After working for 40 years in education, I retired and with my husband moved to the "wilds" of PA. This blog is thoughts and pictures of what we are doing.